Thursday, February 14, 2008

who LOVES ya baby?

I do! And I love Valentines theory. In my life,'s shaking down like any other Thursday. No huge shocker there. But still...the ideal of Valentine's Day still makes me sigh a twitterpated sigh...refer to Monday's post ie: my treacly tendencies.

Naturally today would be the apex of this masochistically romantical state I've been in as of late. And so, accordingly, I'm really trying to OD. Prior to commencing my post I was reading LOVE POETRY on Old Poetry whilest listening to opera on my iPod. I'm thinkin' my links sidebar needs at least one poetry site. Well, you can scrounge up poetry on Bartleby, I suppose....

Oh and before the poetry jam, I was on some of my fave fine art sites looking for some grand image for my desktop. Yeeeeah, something grand and Valentine's themed. First off , lemme show you the rather sexy pattern that was gracing my PC desktop..

In case you was wondering, I discovered that on THIS site, which is a brilliant place to go if you're hunting for a vintage pattern. I don't know that you would be, but I often am.
Anyways... I wanted to go with something totally dissimilar to this for my new desktop. I chose this painting by Sir Frank Dicksee off of Art Magick and it's not as heavily schmoopy as I might have gone for...

There's some love here, for sure (at least on her side). But clearly this guy has somehow f*cked up. I could ascertain that much, even if Dicksee hadn't titled this "The Confession". But it's also clear that she is SO going to forgive him.

And here be one of the poems I was enjoying. A lot more contemporary than the artwork (which I point out as a means of sayin' "Behold what marvelous RANGE I have in my diversions! Woo woo!")

Today's desk calendar page heading sez "On The Heart" and then below it has on it a litany of love/heart related trivia nug-lets. Most of them are underwhelming but there were 2 I rather liked- - -

1. "It was said, in Elizabethan times , that the heart is drained by sighs and groans"

I made a point of sharing this one with my office mates because we are constantly walking around this cubicle farm emitting the most put-upon sounding sighs. A fact that has been noticed & commonly acknowledged. I had told them this and then further remarked "Now this expains why we're such miserable bitches around here. ..drained hearts from all that sighing we do!"

2. "Nineteenth century superstition advised those girls anxious to dream of their future husbands to KILL A PIGEON and remove its heart. Then to skewer the heart with pins and place it under their pillows before walking backwards into bed to sleep."

Hmmm...not something I'm apt to try. Not so much because it's out of vogue or because I'm not desparate, but it's my aversion to birds that precludes it. I certainly wouldn't grieve over a dead pigeon (nor over a dozen dead pigeons for that matter...) but the necessary stalking & capture of that pigeon would put me on unbearably close terms with the nasty beastie. I just couldn't.

We were discussing this point...debating whether or not it's crucial that the lovelorn practitioner of this rite kills the bird herself. I mean, could it not work if I-- er, I mean, she procured the pigeon heart via the black market??

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