Friday, May 08, 2009

geek merit badge for me!!

Last night I hit up the BK drive thru...which is never as delightful in practice as it seems it will be in theory. I don't know about the outlying regions of other BKs, but here the aroma of flamebroiling wafts for about 2miles and it is DECEPTIVELY alluring.

Anyways, the aforementioned geek merit badge is on account o' me going for the "Collectible Star Trek Glass only $1.99 with the Purchase of any Value Meal!!" deal. Well, I'm rather indifferent to the franchise in general, but the new movie intrigues me simply because I am fond of much of the cast. (Simon Pegg, John Cho, Eric Bana, Karl Urban, and especially Zachary Quinto. It's funny how the dude playing the Cap'n seems to be the dullest casting choice. Sure, he's pretty..but he strikes me as being a bit bland) So probably my motives make me unworthy of said merit badge. But the fact of me owning collectible Star Trek glassware... that's at least a stamp in my Nerdsville passport...

Oh, by the way, even though I had my heart set on, I mean, SPOCK, I was given the choice of Lt. Uhura or Capt. Kirk. I went with the latter...


Anonymous said...

One of the Docs at my office brought in the Star Trek Pez collection. Don't ask me why. Since I'm one to help myself, I now have the "Scotty" Pez sitting on my desk. Of course I already ate the candy - pig that I am. So, you're not the only geek. Although you will note that I didn't pay for my geek schwag.

I actually had been ignoring this movie - thinking it too geeky. However, thanks to your blog I now know that Karl Urban is in the movie so I may just have to check it out. I think he's kind of hot.

Sandra said...

It is a fact: Karl Urban *is* dishy