Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Yaaaay for VT !!! I was very startled but thrilled to discover that nearby Springfield VT won the contest to host the "Simpsons" movie premiere. Now really, truly , I don't give a rat's arse about the Simpsons movie, nor do I even like the Simpsons in general (I am decidedly a FAMILY GUY fan...you can only be one or the other, y'know...) But it is a victory of sorts for my home state and it makes me very glad. This is how the votes stacked up --

I have no idea what kinda margin we won by, as I am utter crap at mathematics of any kind, but I am impressed at the number of votes we racked up , wee li'l state that we are. The win was a pretty widely reported news item, but I checked it out HERE on the USA Today site (where I stole that graph from..and where I'd voted late yesterday...for VT.... you're welcome!!) where I was rather vexed by all the nasty message board posts...really taking sour grapes to a whole 'notha level. I mean, most of these posters were excessively RABID about this contest...and lots were saying really rotten things about MY lovely state! Grrr!! That makes me doubly, triply, glad we won this thing. Suck on that, you crude, grammatically-challenged miscreants!!

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