Friday, March 07, 2008

Birthday Narwhals

Today is Robin's birthday. I totally spaced it and didn't have a card for her. HOWEVAH... I did 1/2 pay for her lunch at Yama's. No, I wasn't a cheap lameass who said "Happy birthday, buddy. How would you likey me pay for 50% of your lunch costs today??" Lisa picked up the other 1/2.

Also I made her the following Microsoft paint masterpiece.....

The "Rrrrrip didda dip dip dip dip" part is in reference to a catchy b-day ditty "Rrrrrip didda dip dip dip dip--it's your birthdaaay!" that I had been serenading her with all day. I stole it from this Dr Brule report.

For more about the MAGNIFICENT narwhal , check out this page. Narwhals are on my mind on account of listening to "Rock Lobster" this morning (they get a mention somewhere near the end of the song). They are truly rad beasties. Seems like they'd be mythical, or somethin' extinct from a million or so years ago, or just plain make-believe....BUT THEY AIN'T!!!

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