Tuesday, October 02, 2007

battle of the Microsoft Paint masterpieces

I was gazing admiringly at my blog's recent picture of Vincent Price playing for the Red Sox (in a thunderstorm) and wondered how this stacked up to last summer's "David Coverdale of Whitesnake Enjoying a Lobster Dinner". Which one is truly my magnum opus??

I feel sure that "David Coverdale...Lobster Dinner " was better executed, but the premise of Vincent Price playing for the Red Sox is faaaaar more amusing.
Really, this should inspire some profound debate that moves one to examine one's philosophy of art. What is more integral to a piece of art's worth-- its aesthetic value or its "message"?? Aristotle, with his concentration on art and its role in society(as in Poetics or Ars Rhetorica) would be the ideal consult for such a debate. Although . . . not only is Aristotle a HUGE Whitesnake fan, he is also known to root for the Yankees. So it would not be unreasonable to question his objectivity in this case.

Perhaps I'll try to summon the spirit of Socrates for consultation instead. After all, any philosopher in the Wyld Stallions posse is A-OK in my book...

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