Tuesday, February 06, 2007

holding out for a HERO

I was all intrigued by the teaser /previews for this week's Heroes. WHO would they bring in to play Claire's father?? I'd pondered for a week... They were making such a giant fat stink about it, I couldn't even imagine who they might hire on to live up to the hype. Yeah..."hire on"...so you know I was barking up the proverbial wrong tree in my speculations. I thought perhaps they might re-animate the corpse of Orson Welles (Orville Redenbacher-style) and have him be the superpowered pater familias. But when we were discussing this Sat night, my sister's pal Nicki insisted it would be somebody already on the show (smart chick). But I continued to hope that they'd bring on some new talent (speaking of new talent, Christopher Eccleston's character is a hoot..I dig him) . And then mid-way through the show I thought...what a clever twist it would be to have Claire's adoptive father really be her biological dad? And I thought, for about 20 min., that that might be what they were gonna do... The only other possibility (already on cast)that dawned on me was Eccleston's character (I think his name is Claude) but I quickly shot that notion down as I'm sure that guy is just too ornery to procreate.
Well, anyways , if you tuned in last night, you know that NATHAN PETRELLI is most likely Firestarter's babydaddy. Is this dude schtupping EVERYBODY? No freakin' fair!! He's got (or had ) a wife (who is either comatose or dead...I can't recall her exact fate after that vehicular assault) and I'm sure he tapped that, and I caught part of some episode (prior to when I became a dedicated viewer) where he trysted with Nick-sica. Nathan Petrelli gets all the action! It must be the allure of power, because the dude has a head shaped exactly like the Muppet Show newsman's...

...so it can't be a looks thing. I take that back. It is quite similar to the Muppet Newsman. If Newsman's was a bit wider up top, they'd match up exactly because Adrian Pasdar has the most PERFECTLY RECTANGULAR head in show business. It's a natural wonder, that noggin.
Anyways, the real reason that I'm vexed to learn that Claire is spawn of Petrelli..... I had hoped she might hook up with Peter eventually. Now I confess I'm a Janie-come-lately to this show and haven't seen the eps establishing the Peter-Simone bond. Maybe they have some mad chemistry, I dunno. But...from what little I've seen of this Simone chick I wish she would just am-scray. I don't like her one bit. Don't ask me why. There's some aura, some irksome je ne sais quoi she exudes that makes me dislike her. If she MUST exist (in my ideal version of the show, she is offed by Seiler) then she'd be fine paired off with that sad painter. She must leave sweet Pete alone though! Even if he's not going to hook up with Claire, somebody else, anybody else for Peter...please. What about the butch blonde from the FBI?? Gee, I suppose if I want to be considered a serious fan, I should figure out ALL the characters' names huh?

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