Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Let us first establish what a dork I am about Heroes. Last night I had to pick up some essentials and got detained at Kmart and got home just in time for the start of Heroes. By "detained" I don't mean to say forcibly detained, or arrested for shoplifting or anything so major, I simply got carried away browsing. At 8:45pm I realized (with mucho horror) that I would miss the start of Heroes if I didn't check out immediately, and simultaneously realized I had to pee. Well, I couldn't let trifling bladder demands force me to break my TV-imposed curfew, so I hastened to the checkouts. I was just walking into the apartment at 8:58pm and switched on Heroes poste haste. I actually stood in front of the telly, doing a little urine restraint jig (surely, you too are familiar with this dance..) until the show's 1st commercial break because I didn't want to miss anything. Hey, I did cop to being a dork...it's not like I'm oblivious to how whack that is...
Anyways, I was stoked for a new episode of Heroes, elated to have made it home on time, and then-- then!-- when I saw ERIC ROBERTS I was absolutely over the f-ing moon!!! Sweeet! Eric Roberts is the cat's jammies!!! Seems he will be playing an evil bastard but I wouldn't have it any other way. I just love that guy. It just makes me wonder ... who could they possibly cast as Linderman?? I mean, as the TOP dog, it follows that Linderman will have to be more awesomely badass than Eric Roberts. Who is more awesomely badass than Eric Roberts?? It boggles the mind!! Well, there's got to be somebody, but the only possibilities that presently spring to mind are God or Christopher Walken.

And speaking of the "Primatech Paper" crew...what the hell is Hiro's dad doing working for them?? I thought he ran a totally unrelated corporation in Japan?? He must head up the Japanese division of the bureau and his company must be an elaborate front (a' la Primatech Paper) He seemed to be absolutely in the dark about Hiro's special talents, but now I've gotta wonder...

The ending of the episode got me weepy. I simply don't care if HRG has done tons & tons of shady stuff, the dude has TOTALLY redeemed himself. I hope the Haitian shot him exactly where instructed & he's not a goner... and what is with that bridge?? It seems to be a main road, so I wonder why the hell there's absolutely NO traffic on it...

I worry about Parkman...it looks like they will recruit him and possibly they might wipe out all his memory of his pregnant wife. His wife is kind of annoying (but I don't dislike her nearly as much as I do Simone, whom I was distressed to see in previews for next week looking NOT dead--AAaargh!!) so I don't feel bad for her but it is kind of a sucky turn of events for Parkman.

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