Monday, February 19, 2007

cueball nutball

I know all the world is a-buzzing about this new and not-really-improved look on Britney Spears, and I hate to be trite but...I just had to voice my "Bleeccccch" over this. So..."bleccch!" There you have the one-word vocalization of my dry-heaving over this putrid atrocity. "Blecch" doesn't seem sufficient, but in lieu of a web-cam, it's all I got. It's soo much more effective if you can see the accompanying body language...the lurching and the shuddering and the keeling over and all of that. But you'll just have to trust me...I am dry heaving.

Y'know, generally, I don't think it's necessarily a bad look for a woman to shave her head. When Natalie Portman did it, sure it was for a role (I fear Brit does not have such a good excuse) but she still remained quite lovely. And Sinead O'Conner still rocks a buzzcut like no other. But Britney...Holy Mother of Pete's Dragon, who the hell knew you had so much SKULL under all those extensions? Ew. Eww. EWWW!
This picture immediately brought to my mind's eye this montage of cartoon and comic book villains whose tremendous evil genius is tangibly indicated by a freakishly huge skull. In other words, Britney would do well to eschew Paris Hilton's company and start hanging out with --

BRAINIAC (from Superman)

MOJO JO-JO (from The Powerpuff Girls)

(rival counsel on Harvey Birdman)

I know there are more examples out there that I'm forgetting...I feel certain that there's at least one Marvel villain in the evil-genius-personified-by-colossal-cranium club. Anyways, I think she will fit in well with this crew now. She will be able to get them into clubs and VIP rooms heretofore verboten for them, and in turn their gaggle of ginormo-bulbous skulls will slightly detract attention from her own. Lots of smart guys (albeit evil) in this clique...maybe she can get some worthwhile career advice out of them. Maybe she will marry one of 'em!!! (And if they were to procreate--daaaaaaamn! Better have a C-section, girl)
I don't think Brit is harboring genius of any variety in that melon so I really cannot fathom why it is so gigantic and misshapen. The only extraneous skull filling that seems plausible is that it is a big buffer of hot which orange Cheeto dust is ricocheting about.
Anyways, if you can think of any of the cranially-overendowed supervillains that I forgot, let me know tout de suite, s'il vous plaƮt ....

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