Thursday, January 03, 2008

Robert Loggia Day Banter

Lisa & I were feeling a bit chatty today...
Lemme forewarn you there's nothing in here regarding Robert Loggia. Read on (if you still give a damn) and I shall provide the necessary footnotes afterwards...

1. The whole "self important" person thang (at the start) came about because of this email I'd sent out .I'd scanned a particularly delightful page of my '08 desk calendar and sent the following email---

and I linked, in that email, to the definition of neologise & panjandrum. Links she musta followed because "self-important" is part of the whole panjandrum definition.(it's sorta synonymous with "grand poobah")

2. I was looking at a pic in Lisa's office and it was one of her friend's daughters. I'd met the older girl but she was telling me about the younger, namely about her being a marine biology student who's studying whales. And that moved me to urge Lisa to bring up ambergris to this young scholar (ambergris is a recently acquired fascination of mine... I yammered a bit about it on a post this past Nov)
Hence all the whale puke discussion...
3. I am wearing a mucho cheesy polo shirt today w/ our co. logo embroidered on it (I do so love freebies though..)
4. "Ham" is a code name for one of our field sales rep I once-upon-a-time crushed on

5. That last bit about "Iron Chef" is because I am in the habit of feeding Lisa samples of my lunch when I bring in something I cooked up meself. (this is 50% outta kindness and 50% for evaluation purposes... Me need test subjects!) Well, such was the case today. I brought in some baked perch and also this spicy garlicky veggie stir fry (mushrooms, carrots & sno-peas) I ad-libbed.

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