Friday, January 18, 2008

Bitching & Moaning

I know today is GROVER FRIDAY and I fully intend to continue that tradition, but I have to first post my kvetchings about SCORECARDS.

This is this utterly moronic waste of time that I have to engage in today, as our personal scorecards are due in by the end of today and I have deferred the displeasure until the very last minute.

Take a look at this idiot form I have to fill out & turn in to the bosslady--

If this was more than a moot formality, if it had any impact at all on my paycheck, then maybe I wouldn't be so dismissive of (and annoyed by)the practice. But it's naught more than another hoop for us peons to jump through, and I haaaaate it!!

I keep coming back to the movie The Breakfast Club, specifically how Anthony Michael Hall "takes one for the team" and writes the detention essay for everybody. I wish one of my coworkers was noble like that (and would either do my scorecard or do one collective scorecard for everybody) Heather also has put off her scorecard 'til this afternoon , and she appealed to me to do hers too. Her argument? "But you're so ELOQUENT!" Ahh, flattery will get you everywhere, dear. . . most of the time.
Unfortunately, eloquence is no asset when it comes to this task. They don't want your eloquence, they want you to parrot back their corporate jibba-jabba. I don't quite have the stomach for it. I suppose I can see the need for boorish self-promotion when you write a resume (still, I'm really horrible at resume writing) because you're trying to snag a job. But once I have a job, I don't want to have to regularly compose a treatise (even a treatise in Microsoft Excel format) about how I'm a valuable addition to the g-damn team. My performance should speak for itself. Management can see whether I'm doing a good job or not, why do I have to tell them I'm doing a good job (or not)? Do I think they genuinely give a rat's arse about how I think I am doing? Are they going to give this as much weight as their own perception? HELL NO.

And yet...and yet....

It's a good thing to have a job...especially when you are the friggen mayor of Debt City. So I'm going to go do my scorecard now. But I REFUSE to cease the mumbling of profanity while I do helps me get in the proper "zone"

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