Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Historical Niblets

Here are some interesting happenings from January 15ths of yore (let it be noted: interesting happenings that are not famous birthdays. See, I have a bit of range-- I do general history!!)

January 15th 1885-- Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley takes the first ever photograph of a snowflake.

January 15th 1919-- The Boston MOLASSES Disaster
Ok, it was (as the name suggests) a disaster and a tragic one with 21 deaths and over 100 injuries. But I think, 89 years later enough time has passed that I can snigger at this without seeming horribly insensitive. You can avail yourself of the above link and read ALL about it, but I must paste just this wee excerpt --

"..occurred on January 15 1919, in the North End neighborhood of Boston, Massachussets . .. A large molasses tank burst and a wave of molasses rushed through the streets at an estimated 35 mph (56 km/h), killing 21 and injuring 150. The event has entered local folklore, and residents claim that on hot summer days the area still smells of molasses. "
When we do not learn from history's mistakes we are doomed to repeat them (that's somebody-or-other's famous quote that I bastardized there) and clearly what is to be learned from this calamity is that one should NOT underestimate molasses. Seems its poky reputation is quite misleading. Sure, 35 mph is not breaking the flippin' sound barrier...but it ain't too shabby (in JANUARY no less!!)
I told Heather that I may procure a/ some molasses cookie(s) for an apres din-din snack for tonight. A "cookie of remembrance" of sorts. . .

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