Monday, May 07, 2007

...prev post referencing Tyne Daly made me think also of her little bro TIM Daly . It has always astounded me that they are siblings...they really do not seem like they came from the same womb/upbringing/household...don't get me wrong, I've nothing against either actor (I *rather* like Tim Daly actually) but they're really dissimilar. I think so anyways.

But that is not my point..and I do have one. I brought Tim Daly up as a segue to voicing my IMMENSE disappointment with the demi-pilot for the Grey's Anatomy spin-off. UGH. I was not enthused about the notion of the spin-off in the first place. I really like Kate Walsh/Addison, but a part of what makes Ads work is the way she interacts with the Seattle Grace crew. But whatev, they were going ahead with this cockamamie spin off, and for Tim Daly's sake, I was going to give this quasi-pilot pitch dealie my total and unprejudiced attention. Tim Daly was my favorite brother on Wings... and I was never a big Wings fan (I still ain't) but I thought he was hot (I still do). I know they set up Steven Weber as the "likable" brother, at least I think writers try to compel audiences to like the Brian rather than the Joe, to prefer Kate over Allie, like Oscar more than Felix, and (in the ultimate example of this dynamic ) to like Ernie more than Bert. But I have always liked the "square " half of these duos...probably (if I want to get excessively psycho-analytical about it) because I am more Kate-like, Ernie-like, Brian-esque, and I am definitely very Oscarish. But I digress. Also, in the case of Wings there was the factor of Tim Daly being hot. And by God, for a 51 year old specimen, he is still holding up very nicely, I must say. Enough gushing...I just mean to say that while I was overall displeased reading news of this Grey's spinoff, there was one wee, lone glimmer of a silver lining in that news item-- Tim Daly. So I watched...and watched with an open mind ...but..OY. It was dreck. Total dreck. I wouldn't say it was a waste of 2 hours....but only because 1/2 of that time was alotted to a regular Grey's episode.
It just had this superficiality, this soullessness, the feeling that you were watching commercial characters rather than drama characters. Very on the surface, very formulaic... I mean , I realize that a series just starting out must waste a bit of their time on blah expository shit, but I don't think all of this BADNESS can be chalked up to your run-of-the-mill pilot exposition. Also, that running gag with Ads hearing a voice in the elevator...that just irritated me. How moronic do you have to be to not realize that that mysterious disembodied voice is coming from A SPEAKER?? You're a bona fide MD and your immediate conclusion is ...elevator gods? WTF? So yeah...not just dreck...insipid dreck. Oh and there was some chick-bonding over ogling the ripped surfer-receptionist guy...that part totally felt like a felt a lot like watching those horrible Yoplait women ("Oh wowie wow , my yogurt is SHOE SHOPPING good!" "Best parking space at the mall good?" "OOoh..yeeeahh..shoving mechanical pencil leads up my nose good!!" You know the idiots...)

Ideally, ABC will do some research and discover that America hates the spinoff, but loooves Tim Daly. And these findings move them to nip this dreckfest in the bud and find some way to send Kate Walsh and Tim Daly back to Seattle Grace where she can pick up her storylines where she left off and he can acquire a McNickname.

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