Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Sick & Evil

Perhaps you've read something about the Amber Alert case that's been all over the news in VT, well I should say EX-Amber Alert. Tragically, the alert was called off today (latest news here).

Y'know I have always felt so safe in VT. Well never entirely safe, I can only say relatively safe. Then a story comes along like this and reminds you that you really can't presume safety anywhere. I suppose VT does have a smaller population of psychotics and sick fucks, but it's probably just in relation to it being of smaller area, hence smaller general populace. But we still have our allotment. Cases like this one make that shockingly obvious.

Now it's not only that this news eroded some misconception I had of VT as some bucolic safe haven, but it's also stunning in that I actually worked with this Mike Jacques creep. Well, I don't want to overstate things, I didn't really have any dealings with the guy, he was in another dept, waaay in another wing of the building and I rarely saw the guy. This was at Thermal Dynamics, I should probably clarify. My bro-in-law, Greg, is operations manager at Thermal and he does work closely with Jacques ("did", rather...undoubtedly Jacques has been fired). He had gone on business trips with the guy, in fact, was slated to travel to Kentucky with him this month. He (Greg) said the whole thing makes him sick. I can understand .. probably they held many a conference in Greg's office --which is plastered with all these pictures of his kids. That queasiness is damned understandable.

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