Monday, June 30, 2008


One of my daily chores in my new job is mailing out doctors' orders. One of the docs I regularly mail to is a Dr Rosen. And it never fails to make me chuckle (as I stuff his envelope..and we are NOT speaking euphemistically here) that name... it will always remind me of this scene--

Speaking of jobs, I am cutting out early tomorrow for a job interview at DHMC. This one would be in Robin's dept. They had some openings they've been trying to fill for a while and in their weekly meeting her boss said to the group"If you know anyone who might be suitable get ahold of them, get their resume." R called me Friday afternoon (last Fri..when I was in York) Monday morning I got my updated resume to her. Had the interview scheduled by last Thurs. I had to get a few hours off but didn't let on what it was for. No one asked and I will NOT be volunteering that info. I feel so underhanded though.

I have mixed feelings about this whole thing...

One of the things that vexed me most about not getting the job in the pediatric dept (and being left to languish in don't-call-us-we'll-call-you limbo on that other DHMC gig I interviewed for) is that Robin seemed to get her radiology job with the greatest of ease. I know, I know, I'm petty. I'm a bad friend. No, hold up, I'm a HORRID friend because I kept thinking, "WTF Gives? I'm every bit as smart as Robin..." Even worse, really, "smart as" wasn't running through my head"smarter" is what I was really thinking. I didn't want to own up to what a mega-bitch I am, but I just can't lie to youse guys. Anyways, now Robin is being kind & sweet (that's just her's a wonder we're friends) and offering me a helping hand kind of rankles me in a way. I'm thinking... it's like table scraps. It's rubbing salt in my gaping pride-wound. And not table salt...granules being somewhere between margarita glass rim salt and the big chunky salt like the DPW scatters on the roads in January.

If I were to get a DHMC job, it would be really tough to quit my VNA job. I keep waiting for everyone to drop the super-nice act and shift into regular gear, but the super niceness persists. I keep getting people saying "You're doing such a great job!!" and emails with "We are so fortunate to have you!"

I wonder, if I were to get an offer from DHMC for a better paying job, if I could simply use it as a bargaining chip to get more money from the VNA. It might not be a bad thing to get a little tenure there. And I really do like my job. The $$$ factor is the only negative aspect.

Yet I'm undecided...if I just bargain for better $$ @ the current job, would that forever close the door on DHMC? I'd hate to do that.. Also, would getting a job--partly on Robin's recommendation-- and then turning it down--would that be a slap in the face to Robin??

Enough of this issue... I'm getting waaaay ahead of myself. If this interview goes anything like my last 4, it's a nonissue, really. I'm just going to look slammin' tomorrow and try to do a boff-socko job. Oh gosh, I just gave myself another movie flashback...

(Boffo-Socko Kermit)

Sorry I couldn't find a clip. Believe me, I tried!! The pic was hard enough to track down....

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