Wednesday, July 23, 2008

enough time & text has elapsed since my yucky post so that I may now rattle off what I made myself for din din.

I put mango cilantro marinade and some pepper on a few fillets of lake trout and baked it for about 10 minutes in my Orka silicone tagine. I took some leftover mashed taters and made potato pancakes... or at least I think I made potato pancakes. I didn't really know how to make 'em and didn't wanna put any effort into scrounging up a recipe so I just sorta ad libbed it. They didn't really form cohesive patties that well, but they were DAMNED tasty!! As well they should be -- with diced up sauteed onions, a smidge of cheddar cheese, pepper & garlic salt avec parsley. Oh maan..I could go for another right about now. Also had some leftover coleslaw. And a Diet Coke.

Watch out Bobby Flay...gimme a li'l more practice, I'll be mopping the floor of Kitchen Stadium with your tired old ass.

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