Thursday, July 13, 2006

Brain Rrrrrrot

That's what I'm getting from watching so much tube. To make matters even worse, the novel I've now moved on to is pure literary junk food. I had picked up a big bag o' books at the Hartland Library Book Sale on July 4 (brief parenthetical aside: I LOOOVE me a library book sale. I got a gigundo stack of books for a grand total of $3.75 --it was GLORIOUS) and aside from some real literature (that Murdoch book for instance) I also chose a few historical romances. I CONFESS IT-- I READ TRASHY NOVELS!! I do find it eases my guilt if I've only paid a quarter for the thing. Maybe I will hit up every library book sale I get wind of this summer...maybe I should go on a library book sale tour of the entire northeastern US...well, honestly, the latter sounds a bit too ambitious an endeavor for my disposition, besides, I probably would not have enough room in my wee apartment for all the trashy novels I would accrue.
So I need a remote with a "RECALL 2" button. Surely there is such a button invented, but my own remote just has your basic "recall" button (a well-used recall button, at that). I use my recall button to toggle back and forth between 2 desirable programs, but oftentimes--like last night with I Love the 70s Vol2, Project Runway, & Rockstar Supernova-- there are 3 must-sees that need attending to.
Rockstar Supernova...I am having a far easier time picking out the weak links from that pack and am not so clear yet on who are my faves. They chose wisely last night by cutting Chris loose. Out of the three elimination night performers I say Jill completely redeemed herself, and Zayra (while she's not a good fit for the band and eventually must get the boot) has a better voice than Chris. I totally agree with what Dave Navarro said about Chris on the Tues episode-- he said (I'm paraphrasing somewhat) that he seemed like he won a raffle to get up on stage and front a really rockin' band...basically that he sings at the level of a very good novice. Chris was a gracious loser, I'll give him that. Oh, and he was fairly foxy. But TOBY, he's really, really fine and can actually sing. (I kinda wonder if the Supernova guys are thinking, as they consider choosing Toby: "Well, we ain't getting any younger, and we're all pretty skeezy fellahs, if we added this hunky guy who--BONUS-- has this Aussie accent..just imagine the primo sloppy seconds we can pick up!!") I think Toby might be my third fave, after Storm & Lukas (I dunno in what order they go though) and I DO like Phil's sound, even though he doesn't seem to be all that popular.

Well, as I said my brain is rotting...I imagine it's not quite Cream o' Wheat consistency yet, it's maybe at apple-you-left-in-your-hot-car-for-a-month stage. So that said, I'm having trouble composing an adequately lengthy (or substantial) post. I'm going to wrap it up here from now...maybe hit an oxygen bar (no doubt they have those in VT, right???) pop some gingko baloba w/ Tab Energy Drink chaser and reconvene my 7/13 post later on.... prolonged yammering to come... I promise!!

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