Wednesday, April 08, 2009

HSR wrap up

I know the famous expression is "Always leave 'em wanting more", but I don't agree with that school of thought. Nope, this is how I like my season finales: something tame and dull that makes me say, "Okeydoke, I'm over that show". Well, I'm over it until Season 3, that is. I don't know how they're going to top a prostitution secret. But I certainly intend to tune in to see 'em try.

Now, if they did a marathon of this season, I would perhaps tune in, just so I could try out this drinking game I dreamed up. The rules are so very simple: every time Scott W says "connected" "connect"or "connection" when talking to or about Maricela--take a swig of vodka. I'd wager you would get mightily schnockered.

To be honest,I was subversively hoping Scott W. would pull a Bachelor style shocker and do something really cad-like at the last minute. Y'know somethin' like "Hey you're a sweet kid, Maricela and it's been real fun, but I've got a fiance waitin' for me back home. Awww, you thought I was bein' FOR REALS?? How cute.." But nope, he was perfectly amiable right up until the very end. Oh, ok, so there was that blink-and-you'll-miss-it tiff at prom, but that hardly counts. Maricela diffused that row with some nonsensical gobbledygook ie: "This is me. You know me. This is what I am giving to you- myself, my character. You know my character." Wow, if M truly does have experience screwing people for $$, combine that with her genius rhetoric and she could have a successful future as a trial lawyer. Really, I wound up finding Maricela really tiresome . Which is funny, since I hazily recall that at one point in this season I actually did like her, and I'm not exactly sure what happened to change my opinion. I think I was irked by all the vague jibbajabba that comes out of her mouth. I mean, at least when Jessica is talking nonsense talk, it's amusing. Speaking of which, her little soliloquy about her gay solidarity with the swan--priceless yuks--the absolute highlight of this episode for me. But Maricela, on the other hand, only spouts these BORING platitudes--It's nice to make a connection with someone you can talk to. Integrity and character are really important ! Oh gosh, Maricela you're SO wise, I feel like I've just watched a One to Grow On, I've learned so much here today. I mean, this whole season was a lot of the alums spouting platitudes, so for Maricela to stand out for that...WOW. She is really excelling- albeit in a negative way. Anywhoodle, I hope Scott W's infamous **connection** with Maricela disintegrates immediately if not sooner and he can go back to being a cool guy and she can go back to hooking...or pseudo-hooking or whatever it is she does that gets her accused of prostitution.

The other unintentionally hilarious bit-- Drew's voice getting all crickledy-crackledy like Joe Cocker at the end of You Are So Beautiful . It was when he was talking about some really epic life lessons he had gotten out of the reunion. I couldn't accurately relate to you the wisdom of Cueball: it was somethin' or other about confidence blah yadda blah blah be yourself didn't exactly snag my attention until he started to get all wussy-assed and weepy at the end there.

I'm inclined to think that it was not entirely Lynette's own idea to take Drew to the prom. Her asking Drew, Dennis asking neat and pat it all worked out and how neon and obvious were all the marionette strings in this finale episode. Hey, maybe my jaded take on this is incorrect. I mean, maaad props to Lynette if she really did do that of her own free will. If she did, than no one can ever EVER call a snob again. "Saint" would be a more apt label. "O Superhumanly Magnanimous One" ...if it weren't such a mouthful. I hope for her sake that she was put up to it and that she got a nice cash gratuity for throwing in that smooch. Zoinks-- that was like, a prolonged smooch.

Now, I don't know if the show was so formulaic when on the WB (I never saw those shows) but I believe last season they also gave prom queen honors to the sad little chick who didn't get to go to the prom back in high school (and gave prom king to whomever escorted said sad little chick) I wonder if this is a deliberate HSR tradition (and if voting was rigged to facilitate this tradition!! If so, I am just outraged. OUTRAGED, I tell you!!)

But who needs to be prom king & queen when you can get extra days in Hawaii, instead? That's waaay better. And possibly Tom& Kara spent those extra days christening the reunion compound with mad monkey love in every room. Y'know I've gone on record (here, on my blog. That's a record of sorts, I suppose) as saying that there's probably a good reason Tom & Kara split up. I still feel that way, but at the same time I do feel happy for them. I'm sure their solo love-in was wonderful, even if I do think their reconciliation will ultimately fail. I can't help but be glad for them--Kara's likeable enough (in a tepid sort of way) and I just heart Mayor Tom. He, Dennis, & Chad tie for my 3 favorite alums.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree with your assessment of HSR. Especially your comments on "Cueball". LOL!!!