Friday, April 10, 2009

good Good Friday

I have my car back today. It’s especially sad because I notice it seems to have sprung some sort of leak. Well actually, a few weeks ago, my Dad had said somethin’ er other along the lines of: “I think your car is leaking fluid”. But I just today visually noticed it for myself. Seeing that little puddle of mystery seepage is waaay more disheartening, I think.

Today at lunch I went to Shaw’s and bought (among a few other things)a PAAS egg coloring kit. YES, I still color Easter eggs. Don’t you judge me. Anyways..they had a few different coloring kits in the case and one of them was a Transformers kit and there was also a Star Wars kit. OK, the Star Wars thing is kinda neat-o, but neither of ‘em are terribly Easterish. Anyways, they made me do a bit of a double take. So I went to check out, and I *always* use the self check out lanes , as I can be both antisocial and excessively self-sufficient (You know--“my do!!” like a 3 yr old) but today I went to one of the registers to grab me a 20oz Diet Coke and was spotted by the cashier there and he gave me this eager , puppy-ish “Happy-to-be-of-Service face” so I ended up bringing my cartload to him to be rung up. So, I dunno..the novelty of this scenario made me all chatty, I guess, and I sez to the guy I sez: “I came *thisclose* to getting a Transformers egg decorating kit. Because to me, nothing says Easter like Optimus Prime” So, this goofy remark opened up a whole can of worms I was totally unprepared for. Cashier boy laughed (as he ought) but then he’s all “I’m excited for the sequel this summer! The Autobots won in the last one, so they’re saying in the online forums that the Decepticons will probably win this time around. I think so too..” Okeydoke. I know Autobots=good the Decepticons are baddies, I haven’t seen the movie and Optimus Prime is the only Transformer name I know, so don’t geek out on me too hardcore there, pal.

Also I bought Rachel's Wickedly Delicious Cottage Cheese in Lemon Verbena Berry (my lunch today) and Orange Cranberry Pomegranate (saved for another day) --they don't seem to make a lot of different varieties, but the ones they do offer are tres gourmet. The other kind in the dairy case there was Pear Mangosteen. Which I didn't get on account of : what the fuck is a mangosteen? I did a little research this afternoon (I was EXTREMELY disinclined to work hard even more so than on your ave. Fri) and found out that it is NOT a Jewish mango as I had initially speculated. So I was telling Paul about the interesting mangosteen and he reciprocated with tales of the exotic durian which is REALLY interesting. One food writer wrote:

"... its odor is best described as pig-shit, turpentine and onions, garnished with a gym sock. It can be smelled from yards away. Despite its great local popularity, the raw fruit is forbidden from some establishments such as hotels, subways and airports, including public transportation in Southeast Asia"

It's a spiky looking thing (when whole) and its innards look like:

Totally looks like avocado pit stuffed cabbage to me. Fascinatin'..


Anonymous said...

As I'm laughing out loud reading your blog my dogs are looking at me like I'm a freakin weirdo...

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a hotdog wrapped in filo dough.