Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Secretary’s Day!! Oops-my bad! They’ve not called it Secretary’s Day for some time now. They changed it to Administrative Professionals Day in 2000. That title was changed ostensibly in order to “ encompass the expanding responsibilities and wide-ranging job titles of administrative support staff” I think the true, but unofficial reason behind the name change is that “secretary” has become some sort of pejorative term. And I don’t really understand why. After all, secretarrying is good, honest work.

I don’t care if they call it National Lackey Day, I just want a free lunch or a delightful cash gratuity. But I can tell ya right now, that ain’t gonna happen. It seems nobody has remembered but me!! Tragic.

It may be indicative of what a massive hypocrite I am, but, as wholeheartedly as I support Administrative Professionals Day I am that *opposed* to Boss’s Day (that’s sometime in October) Bosses don’t need a special day…they get their arses kissed year-round. Maybe that’s why my higher-ups have “forgotten” AP Day…they somehow perceive that my esteem for them is entirely obligatory and disingenuous. But nevertheless…I’m a hardworking peon (really I am—and it goes against my true nature). I oughtta get a li’l somethin’-somethin’!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My office remembers tomorrow as a holiday - they take our mean lady out to lunch and everyone has to sign a card. On the flip side, I enjoy Bosses Day - October 16th. My team gave me a great game last year.

- Paula