Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Footnote of apology

Really should not have blathered on at such length about the "Eddie incident". But you have to understand...I wouldn't say I get asked out once in a blue moon exactly...the actual frequency is more like once every other blue moon. So it was kind of an event.

Ohhh.. DON'T cry for me (Argentina). I have absolutely no regrets. Wait, that's not true... that my sister would pimp me out for worthless plastic gaming chips- that I do regret. I regret that I'm not a very smooth liar. I'm going to have to work on that. But I do not at all regret passing up that date. I really don't intend to wind up a dried up old spinster, but I WILL enter into a platonic marriage with a nice gay man before I start hooking up with sleestaks of that vile ilk.

So my point-- sorry for rambling last post. I know it's my usual mode of communique,(rambling) but sorry just the same, everybody.

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