Monday, January 29, 2007

tell me why I don't like Mondays...

On a Monday 28 years ago...

Well, I'm not gonna even recap the event, I'll just share the link. Because if I actually typed about it, then I would be someone who writes about the bleak and twisted. I don't want to come off as suspect like that. But I confess...I was doing my periodical "on this day in history" check and came across this story. And it very famously happened on a Monday. And Jan 29 of this year is also a happens every few years or so...but that li'l coincidence was enough to compell me to read the article on it. Then , I was kinda intrigued...against my better judgement. I did some 'net research, read a bit more. Needless to say, it was a horrifying incident...but it was the confession rather than the actual crime that makes this one striking. I mean, the natural response to any kind of atrocity like this is to ponder the motive...and , "I don't like Mondays"?? And she didn't come out with any alternate motives until 26 years after the fact, so I'm inclined to buy her original explanation... which is just astonishingly nonchalant. If she isn't a total sociopath, than she must be somehow retarded (sorry, not the preferred terminology, I know).

Don't look at me like that. These things catch my fancy from time to time, but truly, anyone who knows me knows I'm really NOT one of those true-crime reading, macabre-minded sketchy weirdo-types. Hey, the story must've intrigued Bob Geldof if he wrote a song about it. And I'll remind you he also co-wrote "Do They Know it's Christmas?" (about feeding the know the one) and he is second only to Bono in the leagues of philanthropic famous Irish guys. All of which corroborates my hypothesis: pondering dark stuff DOES NOT necessarily make you dark & weird. I need to know how to type one of those nerdy math "does not equal " signs...the "=" with a slash through it. THAT woulda been a really concise and professional way to state my hypothesis. Daaaaang.

Okay from horror stories to the land of fairy tales....
This item also caught my attention today (last item on the page/ re: Becks). My first thought was...what will David-Beckham-as-Prince-Charming hair look like? I don't imagine he'll be doing corn rows or a faux-hawk for this photo shoot. The other thing that amused me was Annie Liebovitz being quoted as saying:
"Saving Sleeping Beauty came natural to him.
He's a determined actor, and he became the Prince when
he got on that white horse. He was serious about it."
And then, when you check elsewhere on IMDB...and check Beck's "filmography" there's about a hundred instances of him playing..."Himself". Maybe he's intending to be a determined actor but thus far he's not showed all that much range. I confess though, if D-Beck does get into tha movies, I would be curious to see his acting debut. Probably would be paying more attention to his pecs than his " range" though...

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