Thursday, January 11, 2007

Lube job

I actually got to leave my office and venture out to other regions of the TDC compound today. Yaay. I had a customer who has a customer who is hell bent on getting a photo of O-ring lubricant before they commit to buying it. Now this is just this wee tub of goo that rings up at just over 5 bucks (so a real monumental purchase,y'know?). It's in a clear ,round plastic case about 1/2 inch high, with a 2inch diameter. It does not even have any flashy packaging. (I suggested we spice things up a bit with like, a crushed velvet backdrop and sexy ambient lighting, but we opted for stark realism instead) Why would anyone NEED a picture of that?? Nevertheless, I had the job of taking the O-ring lube to be photographed (resultant photographs are emailed to me, which I , in turn, email to the p.i.t.a. customer) it was an idiotic task, but anything that gets me away from my desk and off the phones for a bit is fiiiiiiiiine by me.

I had also joked that I was going to do some shots like a Barker's beauty -- hold the product up real close to my maniacally smiley face and gesticulate towards it with my elegantly manicured left hand . At the time of said lame joke, I hadn't realized how haggard and putrid I look today. Forget Barker's Beautydom, I don't even measure up to Rod Roddy (R.I.P.) today!! I must confess- I do not always check the mirror before leaving the house in the a.m. Appalling, isn't it?? I mean, most days I come in and posit meself directly into my cubicle and stay holed up all day (with the exception of 4 or 5 trips to the fax machine and 2-3 bathroom runs) so it doesn't seem all that necessary to me. But I was kind of irritated when, after my lube photo shoot, I stopped in to the bathroom and caught sight of my sorry self. It's not that I ended up doing the Barker's Beauty thing--I DIDN'T (let the record show that I did **not**do that)-- but I just thought it figures the one day I'm traipsing all over the building...I look like crrrap on a cracker. Ahhh maybe it's just as well. This way, if I find Prince Charming in the workplace, it's sure to be a Prince Charming with a SEVERE inner beauty fetish.

I was watching TV tonight and was utterly befuddled about a PSA they ran during Grey's Anatomy. The Muppets and Teri Hatcher joining forces to come to the aid of over-stressed teens? Huh?? Has the world gone mad??? Am I hallucinating?? If you want to reach teens why aren't you using, uhhhh, I dunno, Jo Jo as your mouthpiece? (since I bring up Jo Jo I just have to say...WHY would you deliberately use that for your stage name?? It makes you sound like a trained monkey! Now although that may be somewhat accurate, I'm guessing it's probably not the image you're shootin' for...) I can see how the inclusion of Teri Hatcher hooks that moms-of-teenagers demographic, but I'm not sure who the Muppets are there for. It's a surreal and senseless alliance . I keep thinking it could only be like there was some kind of write-a -PSA contest in grade schools nationwide and this was the winning idea. But that theory would only be feasible in 1985 or thereabouts as the majority of kids today don't even know the Muppets (not the ones from the Muppet show). On the other hand, I can imagine this being the product of a for real, bona fide ad fact, I can't imagine the brainstorming session where they hatched this premise without seeing a BONG prominent in the scenario.

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