Sunday, December 02, 2007

I am sometimes not a very helpful person

Behold an exchange I witnessed the other evening in Price Chopper.

CONSTRUCTION WORKER LOOKING DUDE: (as he ambushes the gangly checkout boy from behind while said cashier is ringing up the sketchy looking lady ahead of me in the 10 Items or Less lane) : Do you know where the cranberry sauce is?
GANGLY CHECKOUT BOY: Crrraaanberry saaauce. Hmmmmmmm. (lengthy exasperated inhalation at this point ) Yyyyyeaaah. I'm.. . .not....surrrre....
DUDE: Maybe with the canned fruit?
CHECKOUT BOY: Ohh..yeah..maybe!! Yup, yup, canned fruit. That's probably it!!

Now a small bit of me was calling out "AISLE 6!!CANNED FRUIT!" before the stupid burly shopper even finished his query, but the ruling majority of my guiding Jiminy Crickets were content to stand there silently and just feel irked by the whole tableau. And so that is just what I did. Yeah, yeah, I know-pretty rotten of me...

I was actually irritated by both parties here. I mean, obviously the cashier was a source of irritation. I kinda feel that if you work somewhere, you should have a proficient understanding of the layout of the facility wherein you work. Ohhh, but that just could be me and my crazed and unreasonable notions. This cashier fellow is, sadly, a very common sort of idiot.

My qualm with the burly, inquiring customer can be summed up in one word: RESOURCEFULNESS. know me...I could never leave things at a single word. Lemme elaborate...

When I want to find something in a store I look for it. And look , and look. I will do laps and laps around the place before I deign to ask for help. My blisters have to have blisters before I approach a clerk. And sometimes I won't even then. Now, I confess to being unreasonably extreme in this behavior, but I do have a reason behind it all. It's simply that I value my own resourcefulness. Now I don't claim to any uber-MacGyver, paragon of resourcefulness, but I do have my moderate allotment and am glad of it. But, I suspect it's like a have to flex it regularly or it will atrophy and become flaccid and useless. Aw, heck, I figure that to be a decent analogy--rhetorically speaking that is (it's not as if I have actual firsthand experience of having actual muscles..ha!)

So somewhere in this guy's brain, he obviously realized that the canned fruit aisle was the best place to check for cranberry sauce, but he'd so conditioned himself to go begging & simpering for help that he couldn't just go directly to aisle 6 and friggin' look. GRRRrrr!

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