Monday, December 24, 2007

the Day B4 the Night B4 Xmas

AND I'M AT WORK!! BAH! Isn't that just BOLLOCKS???

Our co. is officially closed on certain holidays-- day after T-giving, Christmas Eve Day, New Year's Eve Day-- but they think we need to have some customer service & tech support presence in house (I dunno why...for our Kwanzaa-celebrating customers or somethin') so a few people have to volunteer to come in on those days. Sort of "mandatorily volunteer". Well, I begged out of the day after Thanksgiving and I had thought that I had big New Year's plans so I'd given a resounding NO-CAN-DO for Dec 31. And that is how& why of me being in my cubicle on Dec 24.

Honestly, I REALLY can use the extra $$ (you get paid time & a half for working these days) and I know I'm escaping a faaar more stressful job (helping my folks prep for our annual Christmas Eve party) so essentially I'm ok with it. But still, it does bug me because it's totally a pointless gesture to have us here today. It's about 11:15am right now...I've been here since 8am...I've had 5 calls and two of those were wrong numbers. Plus, everybody in the plant is off...that's including shipping so even if someone had an urgent order they needed out today, they would call in, and first off, be ever so relieved to find someone working, just to have me hafta tell them "D'ohhh, SORRY, we can't ship nuttin' out 'til Dec 26th, sirrrr." Es stupido. Muy stupido.

News flash y'all.. my esteemed coworker Laurel just got notified that we're getting let outta here at 2pm rather than 5pm as initially planned . Getting released early for good behavior, I guess. Actually they are closing down /locking up the facility at 2pm, so it really has naught to do with our behavior, good or otherwise. After all, I don't know that I've been that great. "Idle hands are the devil's tools" they say. I don't think I was here a half hour before I started streaming online vids. And that right there, in this company, is the HEIGHT of diabolical behavior. Might as well share some o' my transgressions with you's guys...

I wish I had a bottle of THIS to help me through the remaining 2 hrs of my workday...

THIS one goes out to mah homey Jill. 'Tis some FUNNY SHIT.
But seriously , I rather like this may not be traditional hip-hop but it's awesome nonetheless.

For some reason, the NBC site embed feature wasn't working for those other vids, but seems to work fine on this one...a modern holiday classic that really needs no introduction...

This is also a modern holiday classic. I am generally a big fan of the holidays but they do get me frazzled at times...sooo...definitely there are moments when I am totally simpatico with this song...

Ohhh but damn it, I don't wanna give the wrong impression. I'm not all anti-Christmas like so many jaded bastards out there. I'm only like 2% anti-Christmas and the rest of me is chuck-a-block with Yuletide cheer. Seriously. But that song cracks my shit up. Still, I want to end my Christmas Eve Day post on an upbeat note, so...

If your flagging Christmas spirit is in need of bolstering, I highly recommend THIS Christmas special. I found a VHS of this at Family Dollar a few years ago and snatched it up (for like $4.99). Tragically, said VHS tape is MIA right now, but just watching that trailer consoles me a smidgeon...

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