Monday, April 28, 2008

long time no BLOG

Greetings earthlings. Just a quickie to letchya know that I still draw breath. As always -after a posting hiatus- I need to rebuild momentum with a series of substandard junk posts.

Here's a few bullet points to catch you up on the latest...

*Had my last day of work on 4/18; got a free lunch at Koto. It was hellah yummy. I need to go to Koto more often, methinks.

*Have verbally accepted a job offer w/ the VNA (a general office bitch position- doing mail, phones, reception, etc); have an appt. to go in this Wednesday to fill out new hire paperwork ; my starting day has been pushed back to the 5/19 new employee orientation, but this delay is fine by me because.. .

*Had 2 interviews last week at DHMC one with the supervisor of the secretarial float pool (to be a "floater" --even though that title makes me think of inner-toilet debris that won't quite flush down, this gig is the one I want more) and the other with the pediatric dept. I think they went well, but you never know, ya know? Your fellow applicant pool is a total unknown, there's no telling what you're up against. That's why, even though I want the DHMC gig, there's no way I could turn down the job w/ the visiting nurses. So I'm glad my VNA start date has been postponed...just in case DHMC does make an offer. It will be bad enough to accept a job and then back out, but I think it would be worse to have to quit after having started work there. So hopefully DHMC will call with good news prior to 5/19 (cross your fingers por moi!) but, y'know, if they don't things will turn out OK.

*My folks got a widescreen LCD TV (Samsung). It's pretty trippendicular...a fact I shall only concede in this forum here. The most I will admit to my Dad is that "Hmm...'s pretty cool" and this I say with a shrug in the most unenthusiastic manner ever. The thing is, it's Dad's favorite topic of conversation nowadays: "HOW AWESOME is my new TV??" So, obviously, I cannot reveal how truly impressed I am.

*Have been watching a buttload of The Electric Company with my Sadie-kins. She knows all her letters and is very eager to start reading.

*Watched "I am Legend" (in the wondrous panoramic splendor of a widescreen LCD!! Booyah!) I was NOT happy with the ending. I was even less pleased with Sam's fate. As soon as I saw that adorable li'l pup onscreen, I totally called that. SUCH a predictable (and horrible) plot device!!


Anonymous said...

I agree with your take on I am Legend. But still a good movie. I expected not to like it at all.

Methink you should haul on down to the Rut on Monday the 5th and celebrate Cinco De Mayo with me and Shan.


Kara said...

Argh.. I know what you mean.. The minute the dog came on screen i knew it wasn't going to end well :(. Congrats on the job prospects! Drop me an email when you get a chance.. all I've got is your old work one..