Thursday, April 17, 2008

healing slumber

So I had my doc's appt on Tues afternoon. After looking at my throat w/ a flashlight, my doc said it didn't look like strep, (no white bumpies) but she'd take a throat culture anyways. Now THAT was a comical endeavor there. I not only gagged, but I CONVULSED & DOUBLED OVER. Consequently my doctor jumped back a full two feet like she was ready for a spray of projectile vomit. She somehow managed to get a sufficient sample. But from what she'd said I didn't think I had strep, instead I thought I was plagued with some mystery throat ailment (she seemed to think I might have THRUSH) so I was a bit shocked when, after coming into work Wed. (feeling thoroughly miserable, I might add) the doc's office called me around 9:30 and said "Congrats!! You tested positive for strep!" She told me to take the next 2 days off but I didn't wanna leave work. First off, I didn't wanna miss such a big chunk of my last week. Secondly (and I probably shoulda put this as firstly) we were getting lunch bought for us and it absolutely PAINS me to miss free lunch. Thirdly, I knew if I went home I'd just zonk out and I need to be productive (and by "be productive" I more specifically mean I need to find a *&^%$$ing job!) And lastly, I have a lot of sh*t to pack up here.

So ultimately , I compromised and took 3/4 of a day off. I picked up my prescription and took my first pill at about 10:30am yesterday. I do recall the nurse (the one who called with the happy news) saying that I would become uncontagious about 24 hrs after I started on the penicillin. And I rolled in to the office at about 10 of 11 this a.m.(w/ three penicillin doses in my system) So I'm cutting it close, but technically, I'm not endangering anybody.

I feel much better today. I don't know if it was the penicillin or the Advil or the 16 hrs of sleep but I feel LOADS better. Still stressing about $$ and my utter lack of employment, but not so depressed about it as I was on Tuesday. Unemployment is not going to kill me. Worst case scenario, I will go on unemployment, lose my apartment, and have to move back in with my parents. Yeah, that would suck ass (badger ass, if you want specifics) but 'tis not a fate worse than death. You know, my ousting from GDT was very abrupt and I don't recall stressing over it 24/7 back then. Why was I so much cooler then? The big 3-0 has made me a worrier.
Today's status: still worried, not despairing.

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