Monday, March 30, 2009


I opted to come in to work today . The commute in (driving like a Cyclops much of the way) was rather dicey, and I was about 5 miles away from home and thought “This was NOT a good idea” And so it wasn’t. The fluorescent lighting in here is so unkind to my healing eyeball.

The PA from the ER was making it sound like I’d feel so drastically better by today that I’d feel like I don’t even need to keep applying the Erythromyecin good he gave me. Not so. I feel waaay better than I did on Saturday, and a skoach better than I did yesterday. But no way do I feel 100% yet. My left eye won’t even stay open all the way. In fact, it looks so freakish that I’m regretting that they didn’t issue me an eyepatch. That’s right—I’d feel LESS freakish wearing an eye patch. Currently I feel like I have eyes like Sloth from the Goonies.

Also, I wish I had Erythromyecin eye drops instead of Erythromyecin goop to put in my eye. Has that been invented? Someone should get on that if it’s not invented yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goop isn't so bad. The goop they gave me had a slight numbing agent it was good times.

- Paula