Saturday, March 28, 2009

the damned NCLUAB has got me!

You know how a coupla posts back I was saying how I was annoying the fictitious National Contact Lens Usage Advisory Board? But that they couldn't attack me too fiercely on account o' my having made them up? Well they took that remark as a challenge and the bastards got me good.

So the upshot here is that I spent about an hour and a half in the ER tonight with a corneal abrasion to my left eyeball. There must have been debris of some sort or maybe a tear in the contact I put into my left eye. As soon as I shut my eye (after lens insertion) there was a STABBY PAIN. And then I couldn't reopen it again without mucho pain. It was all I could do to prop it open again long enough to get the contact out. But even after then lens was out I couldn't keep my eye open for longer than a second. I was insistent for a while that if I just chill with a wet washcloth on my eye that it would work itself out. After approx 6 hours or so of NOT improving, I let my Dad drive me to the ER.

My Dad was endearingly defensive on my behalf (not so endearing to the desk nurse, though) I had to stand at the window and answer questions and sign forms for like a half an hour before I got to see anyone. And my Dad gave the girl a gruff "Do you ever have anybody DIE before they get seen??" I was hardly in that bad a shape but I did appreciate the support.

Those numbing eyedrops they give you (so's they can look in your ouchy eye and see if there's a corneal scratch and/or debris in/on there)are friggin' AMAZING. They work really fast too. I wanted a bottle to go!! (but they won't let you have 'em) They gave me a tiny tube of antibiotic gel (apply once tonight, 5 x tomorrow & 5x on Monday) and said to take ibuprofin or aspirin for any pain. I took 2 extra strength Tylenol but they're really not doing a whole hell of a lot. Ah well, they're working to some degree, I suppose. After all, I am now able to periodically keep my left eye open for a record THREE SECONDS.

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