Thursday, March 19, 2009

Been over a week since I last posted. Arghhhh! Bad me.

I've started playing Scrabble on There was an advert on the telly for it--really the most quick & basic commercial imaginable-- it was like the pogo logo (ha! RHYMING!) and a voiceover saying, "Play Scrabble at!!" And that was all I needed. I was all, "Heeey, good idea, that!" and 5min later I was at it. Quite the effective commercial, I'd say. So either there was some subliminal messaging going on in that or I'm just severely predisposed to wanna play Scrabble. I think the latter, because I bought it for my iPod and play it all the damn time. I thought having actual live competitors would kick it up a notch (BAM!) for me. Come to find out, I'm rather shitty at online Scrabble. You know what my biggest problemo is? Online Scrabble accepts all sorts of words that are total BULLSHIT (starting with the excessive "2 letter word" list they provide players with) and I have an ethical problem with playing them, even if the game sez they're kosher. For instance, they have this scrolling message that congratulates the big winners of various Pogo games and it also gives shady Scrabble tips--one of them being "Did you know that ZA is a another term for PIZZA?" No , No, it is NOT. I don't care if the Z lands on a g-d triple letter score square, I will NOT play the word "ZA", you imbeciles!! The scrolling Scrabble tips also proclaim what a great word "BRRR" is to play. What the mangy mongoose fuck is WRONG with you eeediots? And the proverbial icing on this idiot cake (a 3 layer idiot cake, by the way) is that it rejected the word AZTEC when I tried to play that. I know that in traditional, sane& righteous type Scrabble, "Aztec" would be shot down on account of being a proper noun or somethin' like that, but this Scrabble thinks 'Za" is a bona fide synonym to the word 'pizza" so I think, I'm playing loosey-goosey anything effin' goes Scrabble, so why not give "Aztec " a go? But no! Shit no!

I still want to play. I must have a mighty powerful Scrabble addiction.

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