Wednesday, January 14, 2009

more job blathering

Larry is (thank God!) growing back his moustache. I think he was perceptive enough to pick up on the nonverbal negative feedback , all those disconcerted "trying-not-to-stare-at-your-upper-lip" looks.

Oh, there's another aesthetically disconcerting guy at work--Mark. I am glad I don't have a lot of dealings with him...well, mostly because I don't like him. But on a purely superficial level....he..uhh..well, he either needs a heavy ply undershirt or a package o' Low Beams. I don't recall, in all my years, ever encountering a guy smuggling raisins like that. I feel as if there must have been a few incidents here and there --but nothing really stuck in my memory. Mark stands out though (LITERALLY..haa hardy har har) because it's severe and EVERYDAY. Oh, OK, maybe it's not fair to say everyday. But every time I see him that is the unfortunate case. He seems to be a big fan of the clingy polo shirt. I can only hope he has some hooded sweatshirts for his off-hours wardrobe. Hoodies are my go-to garment when I want low profile ta tas (aka days I can't be bothered with strapping on a bra)

I've been having dreams about work... about having missed supplies I had to order, reorganizing med supplies, crap like that (no nipply nightmares, thankfully). I hate it when work impinges on my ZZZzzzzs, man. I had one sort of surreal one where I was doing laps around the building on stilts. I would think the more fitting trick would be juggling, but I guess my subconscious was trying to be more metaphorically creative.

On the + side.. I met with Cathy today to discuss all my job duties and she told me I was really doing a great job --either because I am or because she thinks that I am or because it's glaringly evident to all that I'm thisclose to unravelling and she is trying to bolster my frail morale. All I know is I'm trying really hard. I hope it all becomes "old hat " soon and then it will be less work to me. I'll be honest-- I don't like working so hard and I'm not crazy about responsibility. Oh, but I did infer a silver lining at the outset of the paragraph--I nearly forgot. Well, I ever-so-gingerly brought up the topic of a pay increase... I don't know what the outcome is gonna be there. First off, YAY ME for broaching the subject (I was feeling rather wussy about it). And I didn't quite get shot more of a "we'll see". I can't get a review until my 1 yr anniversary rolls around in May but Cathy is submitting a "Change of Status " form to HR to switch me from "office specialist" to "administrative assistant" (they both sound terribly drab and peon-esque but I'm told the latter is an upgrade) and she said IF there is a higher pay bracket for that, and IF they have the $$ for it...she made it sound as if she were going to lobby for it with the higher ups. Oh, I half suspect that she's just paying me lip service... But I suppose I was really readying myself for a quick and definitive "NO we don't have the $$" or "NO we can't consider it until your annual review" Consequently, a line of B.S./"we'll see" answer seemed downright encouraging.

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