Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This morning, in a sorta roundabout way, I found myself fixated by famous vanishings. Or perhaps I oughtta say-- famous vanished people.

Y'see I had noticed it was famous literary figure Ambrose Bierce's birthday. Then I caught sight of his year of death being followed by a question mark (as in "1914?" to be specific) So I had to read the article on him and from that I learned that he VANISHED. I didn't know that!! Vanishing is just such a cool, romantic way to make your exit I think. Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna be doing that anytime soon (exiting). In fact, I could really go for immortality, I know vampires & the like kinda bitch about it, but I feel sure I'd be utterly fine with it. In lieu of immortality, I'm willing to accept making it to 134 years of age. And then at that point, how nifty would it be for me to vanish?? At 134 years old. You know, there's always some AP write up when the oldest oldster on record dies...well how much more interesting would that article be if that wizened old lady just vanished? One would think centagenarians are not so easy to lose track of. So it would just CONFOUND the masses...

Anyways, one thing I love about wikipedia (or the free dictionary ...same deal, basically) is its handy listings of things. Like they've compiled a list of popular French phrases and also of common Latin phrases (I consult that one quite a lot). Well all this a.m.I was helplessly engrossed in their list of vanished people. I know, I know.. my f-ing JOB is gonna vanish if I don't pull my shit together.

Speaking of jobs, I have a job interview with DHMC HR tomorrow. I really *gotta* fetch me some shuteye. I had an anecdote involving a macaw to share with y'all, but that's going to hafta wait until the next episode...


1 comment:

Jill said...

Good luck with the interview.