Thursday, June 25, 2009

One spot on the yahoo homepage that I always glance at is their list of the day's most popular searches. There's always very au courant stuff there, almost all "buzz-worthy" search subjects, but what I'm looking for is the other 1 or 2. Everyday there is usually at least 1 "WTF???" on that list. So that's what I look at that "Most Popular Searches" sidebar for. And I don't really explore that subject, or delve any further, I just want to know what the wildcard(s) is/are.
I guess it's just a bit of a twist on that old Sesame game of yore.. "Three of these things belong together, three of these things are kinda the same..." (gawd, how I dig that song/game..)

Today's WTF? popular search is Shaquille O'Neal. I mean, I guess he's been doing a lotta commercials with Ben Stein but still... who cares?

Macaw story still pending...when I've more time to type...

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