Saturday, November 08, 2008

web meanderings...

Some terrif new sites I've stumbled on to as of late--

The Book of Threes website is kinda neat-o. I'll tell ya why I was looking there... Our office is currently undergoing some renovations, and when all is done, we will have 3 conference rooms. And my boss sent out this email that they were fielding suggestions for names for the conference rooms. See, naturally I'm wanting to mine literature or mythology for some quirky yet meaningful set of names. For instance-- Mazaru, Mizaru, & Mikazaru sort of appealled to me. But none of my suggestions were practically viable , so I kept 'em to myself. Cathy (bosslady) proffered a suggestion of her own-- it was The Connecticuit River Room, The Ottaquechee Room, and. . .and...oh, I don't recall the third option, they were all united by this regional geography motif..possibly it was The Ascutney Mountain Room. One of the other managers emailed some feedback immediately-- countering that "Ottaquechee" is too hard to spell. Accordingly, she misspelled it in that very email. Well, I don't think "Ottaquechee" is all that difficult a word, but that's neither here nor there, really. I find that whole notion repugnant-- avoiding words because they're not easily spelled. Still, upon further contemplation, I feel like neither mine nor Cathy's ideas would do. The reason being that my names make the conference rooms sound like interesting places. Cathy's names are swank sounding. I haven't seen the new rooms,but I feel pretty certain that they're doing them on the cheapy-cheap and they're going to be as corporate cookie cutter as it gets. So, 'tis only fair to avoid names that cruelly raise one's expectations. Probably Conference Room A, Conference Room B, & Conference Room C are the only really suitable options.

Speaking of corporate interiors... have I ever before raved about how much I dig the looks of Frank Lloyd Wright's Johnson Wax Building in Racine , WI?? (I may have...I sometimes feel like I repeat myself incessantly in this blog) . That looks like a really rad place to work. Of course, there doesn't seem to be a whole hell of a lot of privacy, what with a huge bullpen with no cubicle walls.

Oh yeah, the other site I discovered: Plaid Stallions. No drawn out explanation required on that one. Sites like that are just naturally my bag, y'know?

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