Saturday, November 08, 2008

Tonight I called Laura and learned that my niece Lucy has pneumonia. I was kinda wary of inhaling her icky sick germs, but I could keep myself from stopping in to see how the wee muffin was doing. She looked a bit pale and run down, but ,on a positive note, she seemed to be in good spirits--being silly, laughing at TV, eating. Laura said she was much improved over last night & earlier in the day.

While visiting the li'l patient, I was treated to my very first episode of Yo Gabba Gabba! I'd seen some merchandise in stores (Brobee dolls in Newbury Comics, etc) but didn't know what the toys were from. Tonight I was enlightened and must confess I'm now kind of smitten with the show. Well this probably comes as no shock to those of you who knew me in my Bananas in Pajamas phase (didn't you watch that avec moi, Jilly?) and/or throughout my BooBahs kick.

It's driving me nuts though that I found the Snacky Snack song insanely catchy and had resolved to sing it whenever I consumed snackies from here on out forevermore...(well, no, just on occasion) but damned if I can't remember it at all!! So maybe "catchy" is a poor adjective choice in this instance, as I believe that catchy things, by nature, are supposed to adhere to one's consciousness. Am I right on that? So perhaps the Snacky Snack song wasn't all that catchy but I did like it. It's good, I assure you. I've searched all over them internets and I can't find it anywhere. DAGNABBIT ALL TO HELL!!

I had the same exact thing happen with a birthday song I heard the animatronic Chuck E. Cheese band perform (the last time I went to Chuck E. Cheese, that is, that band was not appearing on Yo Gabba Gabba. Although, Elijah Wood did show up to demonstrate an innovative new dance move). It's too damn bad, as I'd meant to store it up in me noggin for my next birthday serenade opportunity,--a most welcome alternative,as the ol' "Happy Birthday" is tremendously played out.

In totally unrelated news, when I walked to Shaw's today on my lunch break, I strolled the "SHOP THE WORLD" aisle for about 10 minutes and didn't buy anything. I love that aisle. It kinda seems like, at this juncture of my life anyways, that's the closest I'm going to get to international travel. Siiiigh. It's really the Irish/ British subsection of the aisle that I zoned in on. Perhaps it's that those are the only nations represented in "SHOP THE WORLD" that I would truly like to travel to. I've been to Mexico . And I feel fully indifferent toward the whole Asian continent . Meh. It's really Europe I long to see.

All that blathering just to simply state that I enjoy the "SHOP THE WORLD" aisle at Shaws. Oh,but I would certainly be remiss if I didn't sniggerly mention that I saw and inspected a can of... .

Haaa! That was the hardiest har har I had all day!! How could I NOT wanna go to the UK?? Such yuks...

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