Monday, June 30, 2008

quick trivial notes

I can’t be bothered with segues today. I’m posting on the sly. I think bullet points would suit…

*A food kick I’m on that I neglected to mention…toasted coconut marshmallows. At present I am polishing off the bag I’ve kept in my desk drawer for a week or so

*I’m wearing some gold bangles (set of 3) that I got at the Old Navy in Kittery. Even though I only really like the design on one of ‘em, I find that I am rather enjoying (for some odd reason) the tinkly-clangy sound they’re making as I move about today.

*I stayed up too late last night watching Places in the Heart. I find I am really dazzled by this Movies-on-Demand feature that my folks now get since switching to Comcast. I intend only to confess this to youse guys. If ever you heard my Dad gloat over a new toy (sooo tiresome) you’d know why I’m keeping my appreciation on the “D.L.” I had thought it was just Pay-per-view with the added magic of DVR technology, but was pleasantly surprised to see they offer up a slew of FREE movies. I love free stuff. I know it’s not uncommon to love free stuff but I mean it…I love free stuff more than anybody else does. As my Lucy would say, “I love it a lot and a lot and A LOT!” Ahh well, it’s considerably more adorable when she says it than when I type it. Anyways, I was already pleasantly surprised to find that lots of the On Demand flicks are gratis, but was extra SUPER pleasantly surprised to discover that there were lotsa good movies offered for free. I’ve got my eye on Flash Gordon (have been wanting to see that one for a while now. It’s one of only a couple notable entries in the Sam Jones filmography…the other being My Chaffeur a cheese-tacular fave of mine) but last night I was surprisingly NOT in the mood for camp. Instead, I was wanting to watch something heartwarming. If you’ve not seen Places in the Heart , I recommend it. It really hits the spot when you’re hankering for poignant, triumph-of-the-human-spirit type fare.

*Right now I’m reading Wilkie Collins’s “The Woman in White” It’s pretty good. Hey, it must be pretty good if it spawned a Broadway play and a movie (not in that order). Once I finish this up, I’m going have to see one or the other. As I see a play about once every 3 yrs (if that, sadly) then it’s apt to be the latter.

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