Tuesday, February 03, 2009


I did watch the Superbowl on Sunday, although I can't claim to have given a rat's arse about the outcome. Well, normally I don't. Last year was an anomaly--I really,genuinely gave a shit. The Pats had had such an amazing, unbelievable season, I was really pulling for them to win it (don't fret--I have since gotten over the defeat). Anyways this year I returned to form-- only concerning myself with the Superbowl Party grub and the commercials. I missed the one that was the viewer fave-- the Doritos "crystal ball" ad (although I caught it on hulu tonight--cute) I did like the Denny's commercial with the mob guys getting smiley pancakes. Also dug the one for monster with the poor schmoe whose desk is right under a moose ass. The one that really spoke to me was --

It's funny...BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. SO TRUE. Ok, so I don't scream like that when I pull into my parking spot in the a.m....but I'm apt to anyday now. And actually on of 4 out of 5 weekday mornings the first word I utter when I awake is "Fuuuuuuuuuck!" That there, is a fact. But back to the commercial--my favorite part is the koala punching bit. They couldn't have chosen a better animal to deck. Koalas seem to have this cute and snuggly wuggly rep that couldn't be more misleading. They really are insufferable bastards. I don't know if you knew that about koalas, but that also is factual.

Speaking of cute and snuggly wuggly, I watched SNL tonight (had it DVRed) and was struck with a new appreciation for what a total cutie patootie that Jason Mraz is. I usually skip over the music segments on SNL, but I kinda dig that first song he did ("I'm Yours" I think is its title) and it was fun to watch him play it. If he is hetero (I can't quite tell with any certainty) then I bet he does pretty well with the ladies. Look at what big bidness John Mayer inexplicably did (before he settled down with Granny Anniston, that is) Jason Mraz definitely deserves as much--nay, I say MORE--Jason Mraz deserves more tail than John Mayer got.

As for the "comedy"...MMmmeh. Steve Martin was lame, the digital short (which usually delivers) was muy STUPIDO. I liked Weekend Update, the Bernie Madoff skit (which they managed to not draw out too long, as they are apt to) the MacGruber skit (and those usually suck) where all M will say is "Pepsi Pepsi Pepsi.." And I really dug Kenan Thompson doing "Issues". I think Thompson is hysterical --and underrated...which is probably a good thing..I think if SNL appreciated his skills, they'd overuse & overextend the hell outta him..y'know like they do Kristen Wiig.

TV this week was Old Home Days for 80s moppets..so far anyways. Last night on Medium I saw none other than Vinnie Delpino and tonight's eppy of The Mentalist featured Chip from Kate & Allie. Both were murderers, as it happens. I kinda saw that potential for grisly mischief in Chip way back years ago when he laid down on the kitchen table with ketchup splashed 'cross his chest & a butter knife in his armpit trying to fool Allie into thinking he was dead. Remembah that episode? I do...hazily.

Not all that much to say about last night's Heroes. First off, I AM so thrilled it's back. I know it is kinda pathetic, but it makes my Mondays incrementally more tolerable to know that a new Heroes is rolling around at 9pm. Just a mere 14 hours to tough it out...really, it changes my waking expletive on Mondays from a "Fuuuuuuck!" to a "Fuuck." I think what this season of Heroes needs is for Ando to get some lovin' (not from some Tokyo hooker either, but still it's good he was making an effort) and for HRG to stop being such an unconscionable BASTARD. Well, it looks like Nate-Easter-Island-head-Petrelli is public enemy numero uno now. I don't really mind that as I never liked him too much anyways. But I did like HRG, I guess I still do, tenuously. It's hard to root for him when he keeps going so morally AWOL. As always, I LOVE sweet Pete Petrelli!! And I still adore Sylar even if he has gone back to noggin carving. I dug that scene where he vanquished all the silly army schmoes who were trying to bring him in.

Oh tonight's tube time was watching The Mentalist, which is just exactly the sort of crime procedural crap that I usually avoid (the backbone fare of CBS). But I can't deny myself a Simon Baker fix when there's one to be had. He's not only a fiiiine, foxyass specimen, but he's ever so charming and is the entire reason that show's been deemed worthy of an hour of my time. Well, tonight they had homocidal Chip on, but usually it's just the Simon Baker factor that gets me tuned in.

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