Friday, August 29, 2008

Ways I am like Chris Farley..

3 things--

1)Lately I have been very stiff-kneed when I first rise (after sitting for a while) and walk. This is on account of the horrendous sunburn I got at the beach last weekend (otherwise it was a terrif weekend-- too far in the rearview to bother to recap now but...I had a great, great time... and I like things that are great--hey! Good things are fantaaastic...but I parenthetically digress) Anyways, due to my 1/2 assed sunscreen application technique, I got a bitch of a burn. It got me mid back & on the backs of my legs --burned thusly due to a long spell where I was lying on my stomach in my swimsuit--engrossed in I Know This Much is True (since finished) Anyways, while my back & backs of my thighs are healing all right (and I managed to slather some screen on my calves, so those are fine) MY KNEEPITS ARE SCABBY. Disgusting and ouchy and I've no one to blame but my stupido self!!

So my crusty kneepits don't bother me much while I'm sitting for a spell or after I've been walking a while. But they pain me as I sit down, and then they're ouchy for a minute or so when I first start in walking . So I've been walking all jerky and stiffly, and of course I cannot see myself doing it, but I imagine I look a lot like Matt Foley, motivational speaker (the classic van-dweller Chris Farley brought to life on SNL)

2)I am thoroughly unimpressed with my reviewing skills. Whenever I try to write about some movie/TV show / song I'm enthused about, I discover I have nothing substantial to say.. ever. It always amounts to me saying "I HIGHLY recommend blah-blah-blah" and/or "Blahdee-blah-blah is AWESOME" although oftentimes I'll hit the ol' thesaurus and dig up a synonym for "awesome". This makes me feel very ineffectual. And it makes me feel like Chris Farley as host of the Chris Farley Show. 'M-m-member that? Yeah. That was awesome.

3)And the last way I relate to Chris Farley is when I try on a shirt or jacket that's too small for me, it always makes me wanna sing "Faaat guy in a little coooooaat..Faaat guy in a little coooooaat!"

Well, maybe not *always*but at least 80% of the time.

Now, this doesn't really pertain to the post motif, but I've always, always loved this skit and since I'm going all embed-crrrraazy, why the hell not??

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