Friday, August 08, 2008

more LCS ranting...

I am mighty disappointed with the denoument of LCS. It was horrifically, grievously, grossly, chronically unjust and unfair. However, methinks I ought not gripe about it since I didn’t bother to vote. And yet…and yet… I am so perturbed I can’t suppress my gripes!!

Iliza Schlesinger won. I’m used to my fave comic never winning (as that has been the pattern over LCS’s 6 season run) but this marks the first season that I’ve really HATED the pick for LCS victor. Wellll, I did think Dat Phan was seriously lame, but I only ½ watched season 1 and wasn’t really invested in LCS yet.

Bellamy was very quick to proclaim (after the announcement of the winner) “Our first female winner!!” Whoop-de-f*cking-dooo. It bugs me that after all the stellar female comics to take the LCS stage—this is the one that triumphs. It’s NOT who I want representing our gender!! She’s such a lowbrow fratgirl—I can’t stand her.

It is some consolation to me that another unwavering trend in LCS history thus far is that the LCS winner does NOT (contrary to what one might expect) go on to greater fame. Every season, the winner wins varying amounts of loot and a “development deal” with NBC, and then you never see them again (or you rarely see them anyhow). It really seems like there might be a fine-print clause in said development deal stating that if the comics project moves from "development" to "production" status, that is grounds for instant revocation of the deal. So, hurrah for you, Schlesinger...go ahead and fade back into obscurity now, per favor...

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