Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Monday a.m. dialogue

Me: Ya know the point of your gums right behind your two front teeth? I burnt that. I freeekin' HAAATE it when that happens!!
Holly (I wasn't necessarily talking to Holly. I have this tendency to address the whole room with little concern as to who listens/responds. Holly is often the only one good enough to humor me) : What? On like hot food?
Me: No. I was styling my tongue hair and bit down on the curling iron.

Here's an illustration of how very often my smartass reflex is way faster than my "Is this kind / socially kosher to say?" filters. See I was being all sorts of annoying right from the get go: bitching about minutiae...to anybody + everybody...on a MONDAY morning of all mornings. Then, Holly is nice enough to propogate this turd of a convo, and then BLAM MM-O!! I would not be friends with me if I were her. Methinks she has a mighty masochistic streak....

If you're reading this, FUCK YOU HOLLY (you're welcome!)

(she doesn't read this, fyi)

1 comment:

Jill said...

I prefer to straighten MY tongue hair. I turn it toward my throat. I find that I get the most savoring time from my food.