Monday, March 14, 2011

Hypothetical HiJinks at the O.G.

I was at Olive Garden on Saturday, having lunch out with the fam. for my Mom's birthday. It occurred to me that it would be immensely amusing (though it feels like maybe it's only *SOOOO* damn funny to just me) if when your waiter/waitress is grinding cheese on to your salad and says "Say when..." just give them a silent but expectant stare for well over a minute and let them keep grinding, and grinding, and grinding, and grinding... maybe until they run out of cheese. Then ask if there's more Parm in the kitchen (or would that be taking it too far??) I have not yet been bold enough to do this, but perhaps someday...
I don't think it would ruin your salad, but you are running the risk of acquiring a bad reputation as an insatiable cheese fiend. You don't want anyone at the O.G. thinking ill of you, and of course this is more of a problem for you if there is one particular location that you frequent.


Markymark said...

I would be willing to send you a gift card to cover the cost of your meal, if you would do this and get it on film, secretly of course, and post on your blog. The thought of doing this made me laugh, but sadly if I tried it, my wife would no longer eat out with me. There are places now that she won't go with me, because of just this type of behavior.

Sandra said...

Hi there!! Glad to see ya back!
I don't go to the Olive Garden all that often, but perhaps next time I go I'll bring with a little extra chutzpah (and/or down a goodly amount of the O.G. wine o' the day) and give it a go!! I do have a flip cam...but not sure if I have a dining companion who would play along...

~Dawson~ said...

I beckoned the breadstick boy at Fazolli's in Kansas once over to our table. Then I 'dared' him to give me all of the breadsticks. He said, "Yeah, I could use a cigarette anyways" Set the basket down on the table, and walked off. We all won that night!