Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm so glad Heroes is back!! Seems like it's been on hiatus for YEARS. In fact, I'm questioning how well I recollect the last episode of last season. I thought we had wound up with Clare thinking her dad was dead. But when HRG came home, she was all "Oh, Dad you're home!" but not "HOLY SHIT--You're ALIVE???" Relieved, but not amazed, y'know? What did I miss?? WTF??

I was glad to see Elle back. She's all at a loss now that she's been canned, but really, considering the bosslady, she's just lucky she didn't get killed or imprisoned. I thought that was amazingly magnanimous of Mama Petrelli...and then seconds later she starts cooing over Sylar & petting him and I'm ALL sorts of perplexed by that 180. Oh, and speaking of Sy...my hands-down fave moment of the 2parter season premier was when Clare asked Sylar if he was going to eat her brain and he goes "It's YOUR BRAIN, Clare. That's disgusting." that made me chortle.

Curious about that dude that Peter is stuck inside...what was he in the Company hoosegow for? What's his power? He looks like your run-of-the-mill Crip to me, I dunno. Also, if the Freaky Friday laws of soul swappage are to be observed, ya gotsta wonder where that guy's sould wound up. Is it sharing space with Sweet Pete's soul? Or did FuturePete stash it in an empty mayo jar for safekeeping??

During the recap/countdown show, I caught a glimpse of the dude that plays Mohinder (I was only 1/2 paying attention to that) and I thought he looked rather fetching. That slicked-back 'do doesn't work on just anybody, but it looked good on him. And the suit was fly. But then, watching the premier eps, I was reminded what a drip I think Mohinder is. I thought he might be slightly more interesting with powers, but he had to be all dorkily overeager about it. Ah, well, I suppose the acquisition of superpowers is perfectly adequate reason for overeagerness. But I just can't stomach Mohinder for some reason. I was briefly intrigued when it showed he'd developed some kinda hyper-libido (that tramp had just been waiting for that,hadn't she? That was a very ravage-ready outfit she had on.. I don't like her either..they're the perfect couple) But soon after he's all "Yeee-ikes!! What-is-HAPPENING-to-MEEE??" and ripping molty carbuncles off his back (and a loser again)

That roadrunner character (the thief whom Hiro tailed to France-- so unimpressive, I cannot be bothered to recall the character's name) was too cartoony..even for a cartoonish show like Heroes. I hope she doesn't have a big part in this Season.

I hope they don't waste a ton of time getting Parkman out of the desert. Granted, I adore Parkman (probably ties w/ Sweet Pete for title of my 2nd fave character) and I'm SO in favor of him getting more screen time. However, if Hiro's adventures in 16th ce. Japan are any indication, than heroes transporting into fantastical realms= SNOOZZZZE.

1 comment:

Kara said...

OMG - I"m so on your side with Mohinder.. where did the hotness come from? Well.. until he took his shirt off.. I wasn't so down with that.. if he's gonna keep being a sex god he might want to start doing some weights for his chest.. but that's just my opinion.. ;)

And yes.. scary eyes was totally asking for it..