Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Absolutely my *FAVE* Celeb News Du Jour

In analogy form: Ham is to Paula Deen as football is to Marcia Brady. Here be the write-up.

Believe it or not, I do like Paula Deen and I found her home furnishings collection to be surprisingly chic (judging from the wee glimpse of it I got flipping through a potty-adjacent Ladies Home Journal at my sister's) but nevertheless, people getting hit in the face with hams = DAAAAMN FUNNY. That is an empirical fact, Jack. Unless the face-ham collision results in surgery or brain injury.

Then it's just funny...sans "damn" and no caps-lock.


Jill said...

Now, one would have to wonder what possessed that man to "back at 'ya" the ham??

Sandra said...

Another thing gleaned from this article. Paula Deen "tweets". Ergo Paula Deen is on Twitter. Ergo Paula Deen is hipper than yours truly.

Jill said...

Yeah, I have to wonder if these celebs are actually tweeting themselves, or if their lackies do it for them. I, for one, refuse to get on the Twitter bandwagon. No one is that interesting or important (as far as I can tell) that one needs to follow their every waking thought and action...gimme a break, right??